US Army PEO STRI High School Engineering Internship
Preparing for the Internship:
We are starting the coordination for the 2016 Summer Internship (June - Aug). We will have 8 planned engineering sessions. The focus is on STEM Competency. UCF-IST will be facilitating the lab space for our internship.
We will be meeting at Partnership III building in room 233.
Every Friday Mornings :
Starting June 10 - Ending Aug 5
9:00 AM to 1:00 PM
Fri 10 June
Fri 17 June
Fri 24 June
Fri 1st July - Rocketry - (Sat 2nd July Launch Rockets)
Fri 8 July
Fri 15 July - No Engineering Session
Fri 22 July - SeaPerch Pre-Test
Fri 29 July - SeaPerch Final Test at YMCA
Fri 7 Aug - Certificates
We will have both new incoming students and some returning students this summer. Our ultimate goal with the students is to develop an underwater robot that is cost efficient.
"Project Based Learning and Robotics Competitions
We have a lot of lessons learned from last year, that we will develop upon. This summer we plan on expanding our internship curriculum to add further detail work in microcontrollers and robotics.
Fri June 10 2016 : Internship orientation
The engineering student all did an awesome job!
This summer we have 32 students that signed up for our internship.
We had 26 students attend the first engineering session at the UCF-IST facility on June 10.
The students in attendance were divided into 5 teams.
Robo-Knights – Robotics Competition Team
The students have a great opportunity to participate in a FIRST FTC Robotics team the fall season. It is free to join the team and it will be a great learning opportunity in a winning team environment.
Fri 24 June 2016 : SeaPerch Building
After a quick re-cap of last weeks agenda.
The teams did an excellent job of working on building their SeaPerch.
Fri 1 and Sat 2 July 2016 : Rocketry and Aviation
After a quick re-cap of last weeks agenda.
Mr Walter Legan conducted a great overview of Rocketry and Aviation.
He also covered the finance expectations for education and career development.
Following the presentation the internship teams construct the model rockets.
The UCF AIAA Chapter students helped in the construction of the Rocket kits.
The next day Sat 2 July the teams launched the rockets.
We had contacted the R.O.C.K. section about holding a launch for our internship and we successfully launched Twenty Estes Alpha Rocket flights using B6-4 engines.
Bracha and Roger Smith, Sandy and Dave Ribakoff and Chris Michielssen coordinated and managed the rocket launch events. They were very kind, provided awesome guidance and instructions and coordinated the event in excellence.
The UCF AIAA Chapter students helped again in the launch process.
Team Dark Knights were not able to attend the event.
Fri 8 July 2016 : Arduino Microcontroller
After a quick re-cap of last weeks agenda.
We covered the Arduino Microcontroller.
The students were tasked to get familiar with the Arduino IDE.
Please bring in your laptops and Arduino Uno (if you have them).
Please have the Arduino IDE installed on your laptop.
During the engineering session we went over the content presented as part of YouTube tutorial series for Arduino by Jeremy Blum.
We covered the implementation of servos and motor that were part of the first 5 of the YouTube tutorial series.
We conducted tasks that showed the application of both autonomous and operator control of the servos and motors by the Arduino.
Fri 24 July 2016 : SeaPerch Pre-Test
After a quick re-cap of last weeks agenda.
Teams did a great job at the presentations regarding their SeaPerch Design.
On 29 July our next session at the YMCA we will see how well they perform.
Our SeaPerch competition will be on 29 July 2016
9:00 AM
YMCA Pool - Blanchard Park YMCA Family Center
10501 Jay Blanchard Trail, Orlando, FL 32817
Please bring your SeaPerch !
Please bring your swimming cloths if you want to get in the pool.
Fri 29 July 2016 : SeaPearch Final Competition
The SeaPerch Final Competition was fun and Exciting!
Teams did a great job at the YMCA with their SeaPerch Competition.
Best Times (in minutes )for each team: Team 404 (1st Place)
Dark Knights
Sally 2.0
Team Rocket
Team Alpha
After the competition the teams shared their prespective on the internship:
Fri 5 Aug 2016 : Certificate Ceremony
The students successfully completed their 2016 Summer Engineering Internship.
Best Wishes to them all always.