


The Merchant Boys

  • Merchant BoysWe’ve published The Merchant Boys a children’s comic book based in an Arab setting.
  • The images are developed with the latest graphics software offering the best of the industry standard.  The background and time frame the story is set in was well researched and incorporated.
  • The book is 6.625 x 10.25 inch in dimension and 96 full color pages.
  • The purpose of our book is to give the readers a beautiful presentation of the adventure our hero Ali has as he resolves the disappearance of his father, Ibrahim. 
    Ali and his best friend Samir work together improving the family business with the mentoring of Ali’s Great Uncle.    Ali and Samir travel to distant cities in search of clues about Ibrahim’s disappearance making new friends and experiencing new adventures.
  • The book is not religion centric, but does give some glimpses of the basic Islamic faith and moral belief.   The book covers good moral behavior and teachings as Ali and Samir are mentored by Ali’s Great Uncle.  Some of the good morals addressed in the story are: Integrity in trade, Unity in the community, Loyalty and Avoiding prejudgment.
  • Copyright H & H Graphics LLC  2009
  • Click to Download the sample Merchant_Boys.pdf
  • Click to read a review of our book Merchant_Boys Review

    ISBN- 10:  0-9841904-0-6 
    ISBN- 13:  978-0-9841904-0-9

  • $ 19.99
  • The Merchant Boys is now available at IQRA Bookstore in Chicago, IL and you can also click and buy our book from their web site.  The Merchant Boys
  • The Merchant Boys is now also available at Al-Huda Bookstore in Houston, TX and you can also click and buy our book from their web site.  The Merchant Boys


  • We are currently working on bringing our book to Amazon.com


Coming Soon

The Merchant Boys and Sarah's Stallion

Merchant Boys


Copyright (c) 2008-2019 H&H Graphics LLC Orlando FL 32825