Team Status 2018
US Army PEO STRI High School Engineering Internship
Preparing for the Internship:
We are starting the coordination for the 2018 Summer Internship (June - Aug). We will have 8 planned engineering sessions. The focus is on STEM Competency. UCF-IST will be facilitating the lab space for our internship.
We will be meeting at Partnership III building in room 233.
Every Friday Mornings :
Starting June 9 - Ending Aug 4
9:00 AM to 1:00 PM
- Please bring drinks and snacks for yourself each session. Around 11:00 we will stop for the snack break.
June 8 Introduction - Engineering Process
June 15 Electric motor - Soldering
June 22 SeaPerch Design - Simple Machines
June 29 Rocketry and Aviation
July 6 Arduino Microcontroller Programing
July 13 SeaPerch Build
July 20 SeaPerch Pre-Test
July 27 SeaPerch Final Competition at YMCA
Aug 3 Certificate Ceremony
Rocket Launch at Barr Street - Little Econ Trail
ROCK (“Rocketry of Orlando’s Community Kids”) is an Orlando-based model rocket club which encourages children and adults to embrace the exciting, fun, safe, and educational hobby of sport rocketry.
Barr Street entrance of the Little Econ Trail in Oviedo on 1 July Saturday - begins about 8:30am.
27 July : SeaPerch Final Competition at YMCA
YMCA at Blanchard Park 9:00 AM
Address: 10501 J Blanchard Trl, Orlando, FL 32817
Phone: (407) 381-8000
We will have both new incoming students and some returning students this summer. Our ultimate goal with the students is to develop an underwater robot that is cost efficient.
"Project Based Learning and Robotics Competitions
We have a lot of lessons learned from last year, that we will develop upon. This summer we plan on expanding our internship curriculum to add further detail work in microcontrollers and robotics.
Fri June 9 2017 : Internship orientation
The engineering student all did an awesome job!
This summer we have 12 students that signed up for our internship.
We had 39 students attend the first engineering session at the UCF-IST facility on June 9.
The students in attendance were divided into 5 teams.
Engineering Design Process
- Mentoring Presentation -Brain
Following introductions, we conducted our orientation. The students were provided an overview of the internship and the expectations.
Agenda for the 2nd Engineering Session:
A Safety Brief will be given to the students
Each team will get a SeaPerch Kit
Instructions and practice Soldering
- Other Engineering Opportunity:
Robo-Knights - Robotics Competition Team
- Review the Internship notes - How it Works
- (it's on the web site in the curriculum section)
- Review the Internship notes - How it Works
- (it's on the web site in the curriculum section)
- Review the Internship notes - How it Works
- (it's on the web site in the curriculum section)